Saturday, January 26, 2008

Prom-Day Prep

The big day is finally here! What you do during the day can have a major impact on youll look and feel tonight. Here are some smart prom-day strategies.

Dont forget food

Skipping meals so you can fit into your outfit is not a smart strategy. Fasting will leave you weak, tired and majorly moody come prom timeand thats no fun. A few light meals throughout the day will give you the ongoing oomph you need to have a blast at night. Some good-for-you, energy-boosting options include yogurt and cereal, eggs and toast, a whole-wheat bagel with peanut better, a turkey sandwich and snacks like fruit and cheese.

Give your locks luster

A deep conditioning treatment or hair mask can give limp locks the sudden surge they need to be your crowning glory. Leave on for 15-20 minutes under a shower cap or towel, then blow with a hair dryer for a few minutes before you rinse; the heat will help the conditioner penetrate.

Make nice to your nails

Nothing finishes off an outfit like well-groomed nails, and giving yourself a manicure is a cinch. Remove old polish, shape nails, then slick on pretty polish; try a clear or neutral shade or a hue that matches your dress. Feel like some extra-pampering? Grab some girlfriends and treat yourselves to professional manicures (your toes could use a treat too!).

Break a sweat

Doing something active will make you feel healthy and rev up those exercise-induced, feel-good chemicals in your brain. Any activity that significantly increases your heart rate will work: go for a run, climb your stairs ten times, take a bike ride or just do some jumping jacks, push ups and crunches while watching TV.

Catch some zs

Even though youve got lots to do today, taking a nap will help you relax and up your energy for the bigand probably latenight. Even just 20 minutes can revive and refresh. If you having trouble drifting off to dreamland, just laying in a dark, quiet room can help you mellow out.

Soak it up

A scented bubble bath will help relax your body and mind. Toss in some essential oils and it can also leave you soft and silky. Just dont soak longer than 20 minutes or skin can get wrinkled and dry.

Charge it

Tonights going to be one to remember so make sure youre ready to capture the memories on your camera or camcorder. Make sure batteries are charged and theres enough room on your memory card for all those pretty pics!

The staff writers from Differin ( have written a series of articles to help you get ready and look your best for prom. Visit ( to find more helpful prom-prep tips and enter to win a Posh Prom Makeover.Stafani Blog66840
Sonnie Blog14679

Detroit School District Makes Connection to Minorities

The Detroit School District is making an effort to connect to the minority students and minority businesses in the community.

Detroit School District Makes an Effort to Attract Minority Businesses

The Detroit School Districts Department of Contracting and Procurement has created a special community outreach program which gives immediate notification to certified minority businesses when bids are posted. These bids are used to determine which businesses will provide construction or services for the Detroit School District. This program, known as the Detroit Public Schools Small Contractor Development Initiative Program, provides businesses notification when the Detroit School Districts Department of Contracting and Procurement bids are solicited. The Detroit School District has created, bidding notification system. It informs businesses about, among other things, invitations to bid, Request for Proposal, Request for Qualification and Request for Information.

This could become a huge boon for minority businesses in the area because large some of money are spent each year by the Detroit School Districts Department of Contracting and Procurement. The District is reaching out to minority businesses in several other ways as well. It advertises regularly in the newspapers that target the minority communities including the Michigan Chronicle, El Central and the Arab-American News. The Detroit School District has fostered connections with various chambers of commerce or business groups that have large minority memberships, such as the Arab-American Chamber of Commerce, the Detroit Black Chamber and the Booker T. Washington Business Association. The Detroit School Districts Department of Contracting and Procurement also has plans to help minority own businesses make connections to major contractors and encourage them to use the minority businesses as sub-contractors.

The Detroit School District Encourages Minority Students

In 1980 the Detroit News and the Detroit School District created the Rosa Parks Scholarship Awards. These awards are given every year and all Detroit School District high school seniors are eligible but an emphasis is placed on minority students who want to pursue journalism in college. The awards are administered by the Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation. The winners are selected based on the community service, financial need and academic achievement of the students. While the Detroit News awards two additional scholarships to students who are aspiring journalists. The scholarship awards are worth two thousand dollars each. In 2006 Rosa Parks Scholarship Awards yielded a wide variety of students from different high schools across the Detroit School District. Some of the winners this year of the Rosa Parks Scholarship Awards were: Ronald Berry, Chadsey High School, Rebrika Blalock, Detroit Technology High School, Adrienne Carter, Northwestern High School, Ashley Carter, Northwestern High School, Danielle Clayton, Denby High School, Latisha Gladney-Taylor, Davis Aerospace Technical High School, Veronica Grandison, Communication and Media Arts High School, Anthony Head, Jr., Mumford High School, Dana Hill, Mumford High School, Delissa Jackson, Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School, Angelina Jordan, Renaissance High School, Daryel Peake, Mumford High School, Samuel Williams, Jr., Davis Aerospace Technical High School, Noelle Williams, Renaissance High School, Darryl Woods, Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School. One of the Detroit News Rosa Parks Scholarship Award winners was Redell Willis, Chadsey High School. Miss Willis plans to head to Wayne State University in the fall, where she will major in journalism.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sigrid Blog6947
Shayna Blog18825

The Top 10 Terms You Need to Know in the Seduction Community

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
-Immanuel Kant

Its my mission to give you wisdom: attracting all the positive stuff, repelling all the negative stuff. Theres no sense wasting your time with information and emotions that dont make you a superior man (example: the many, many pickup books that are an absolute waste of time). So Im going to help you attract the information YOU need to know, to get the girls you want!

To do that, Ill be sharing my favorite websites for quality information. Here you can learn all the things you should doand all the things you shouldnt!

The first website you need to know about is .

So much of the seduction community is centered around terms, initials, and euphemisms. Theres IOI, DHV, negging, cocky funny, inner wuss, ATC, frame controlyou name it, theres a term for it. Knowing these terms isnt crucial, but the meaning of the terms themselves is very special knowledge. For example, you dont necessarily need to know that ATC means Artificial Time Constraint, but understanding the concept of only spending a limited time around women before taking off, is invaluable. is a great website for sorting out all the terms.

Enjoy, and remember: Knowledge is only as good as putting into action. Follow the lead of Kahlil Gibran:

"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."

Heres just a sample of the informative (and often hilarious) terms found in this website: Definition of

"Often confused with infatuation by adolescents, college students and even supposedly mature people. Love is not the often associated chemical reaction which has similar effects on the brain as cocaine, nor is it the inability to be without that person for a day."

-OMG! Im sooo in love with Brad Pitt!!
-No youre not. You just want his small wang. You dont even know him!
-*Cries* No, I will marry him! Im going to go home and fantasize about him! *Cries and runs away* Definition of

"The act of making flirtatious physical contact with a person of sexual interest. Generally considered to be a vital tool in ones Game Belt."
Hopefully I can get some action by using a little kino on the ladies tonight. Definition of

"Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion." Go **** ten other women is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.

In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because its just an illusion. And when you get rejected, dont be depressed. Because theres really not much to worry about."
Dude, you definitely have oneitis for that girl. Youve been talking about her nonstop for the past week. Dont you realize shes nothing special, and that you are just being fooled? Snap out of it so you wont be so depressed when she rejects you! Definition of

"A light insult wrapped in the package of a complement. Used by pick-up artists to gain and maintain the attention of women who possess uncommon beauty (9+). These women are immune to standard complements."

The classic neg
pua - "you have beautiful nails, are they real?"
(9+) -"not really"
pua - "Oh, I guess thats still cool"
pua - "thats really cute, your nose wiggles when you speak"
(9+) -"no it doesnt"
pua - "ha ha, there it goes again, sorry, its just really cute"
"I just kept tossing neg after neg at that 10 standing by the bar, and she loved it, she was giving me crazy kino" Definition of

"Noun: Demonstration of Higher Value
Verb: Demonstrate Higer Value
Presentation that will increase your value in the opinion of your audience."
I related a funny and cocky joke as a DHV. Definition of

"Alpha Male Of the Group
A guy that everyone thinks is cool and is always the social center of the room."
Bob: Dude, why is everyone crowding arounding that bag of douche?
Me: Cause hes a total AMOG Definition of

Beta Male
"An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male."
Pete knew he was losing the girl hed just met at the bar to the guy who bought her a drink, but he was too much of a beta male to do anything about it. Definition of

"Verb; to Sarge.
The act of engaging conversational rapport with a complete stranger.
Though tied to the seduction community as the official name for being "on the hunt," the term also applies in business and interpersonal relations, as the act of appearing as a socially versatile and competent person.
Credit to Ross Jeffries, who claims to have named the act after his cat."

in seduction:
"My wingman and I went sarging last night at club X."
"The goal in business is to sarge your coworkers as soon as you start working there. Its a quick way to appear competent!" Definition of

"Master Pick Up Artist.
Used to refer to one who has attained legendary status within the Pick Up Artist community. Originally used to refer solely to Neil Strauss, aka Style. Referenced in Strausss book The Game."
Man Style kept eight girls on the go, he truly is a mPUA.

And now, my personal favorite definition

"A method of castrating men without using sharp objects."
From David DeAngelos article:
She looked at him with compassion in her eyes and said "Thank you I really mean that but I dont want to mess up our friendship youre too important to me"

Now thats something you definitely want to avoid! And if you want to make sure the words "just friends" never enter your eardrums again, visit the place that turns men around the world from "just friends" to "seduction masters":

Because its your turn!

Relationship expert, James Brito, delves into the secrets of female attraction and seduction. The bestselling author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women" and "The Art of Impressing Women" offers a free six-part audio mini-course that you can get simply by visiting:Shalna Blog47550
Sharline Blog99265

An Overview Of The Master Plan For Baltimore Schools

On July 1, 2007, Andres Alonso officially became chief executive officer of Baltimore Schools. He will oversee approximately 180 schools and 82,000 students, with the help and guidance of the Baltimore Schools master plan. The master plan is guided by the Baltimore Schools vision, which is clear, desirable, and inspiring:

Accelerating the academic achievement of all students, in partnership with the entire community, to ensure that students have the attitudes, skills, and proficiencies needed to succeed in college and in the 21st century global workforce.

The district believes that achieving this vision is entirely possible by fulfilling the Baltimore Schools mission:

To accelerate student progress through effective implementation of the Baltimore Schools master plan, focusing on quality instruction, managing systems efficiently, and sustaining a culture of excellence.

The Baltimore Schools master plan priorities have been established in accordance with State guidelines and provide the core of the school system's plans for improving the academic achievement of all students. Goals of this master plan as listed below:

Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all Baltimore Schools students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts, and mathematics.

Goal 2: All Baltimore Schools students that have limited English proficiency will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.

Goal 3: By 2005-2006, all core academic subject classes (CAS) will be taught by highly qualified teachers.

Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.

Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school

Goal 6: Effective management of systems will support student achievement. Such systems cover accountability, communications with parents, the community, and business partners. Baltimore Schools recognize that making a difference for its students is more than simply writing a check. Many businesses provide assistance to schools in a variety of ways including the donation of materials, merchandise and volunteer hours. There is growing evidence that school/business partnerships improve the capacity of individual families, schools and communities. Businesses are thus more willing to support teaching and learning. When students connect school work with the world of work, they are motivated to learn. There are several ways that businesses can help out Baltimore Schools: mentoring, tutoring, becoming a guest reader, giving monetary contributions, and donating school supplies. However, donations can range from pencils to computers; books to playground equipment; flowers to furniture. Volunteering in Baltimore Schools, offering internships to Baltimore Schools students, or joining the staff as an adjunct faculty member are also ways for businesses to maintain a healthy partnerships with Baltimore Schools.

It is also a goal of the district that finances and operations of facilities, transportation, and nutrition services within Baltimore Schools will be effective and efficient. Throughout all of Baltimore Schools, students, parents, teachers, and administrators have many opportunities to experience the positive changes that implementing this master plan can offer.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog6947
Stefania Blog79580

Use Children's Books to Encourage Kids to Read

As most parents know, reading skills are critical for preschool learning and childhood development. Studies have shown that children that are diagnosed with reading problems during their early school years, will continue having reading and learning problems through the 9th grade and beyond. Even more troubling, almost 50 percent of adolescents and young people with criminal records have reading difficulties.

Sadly, many of today's kids would rather watch TV or play video games than read a book. Being a bookworm, or even showing an interest in reading, is percieved as a nerdish activity. Most of the heros in todays society are professional athletes, actors, or music icons.

But dont despair, all is not lost. Getting your kids to read can be a challange, but with the use of quality children's books, it doesn't have to be an insermountable one. Here are some steps you can take in order to encourage reading in children:

The first step to read to your child at an early age. Many adults have fond memories of their parents reading them bedtime stories when they were toddlers, and reading to your child will help foster a love of words and reading.

Be a good reading "role model" for your children or grandchildren. Let them see you reading on a regular basis, and how much you enjoy reading books and magazines.

Another good idea is to fill your child's room with books. Kids who grow up surrounded by books learn to think of them as friends, and allies in their pursuit of reading, learning, and wonderful new adventures.

As your child grows and matures, introduce him or her to books that match their interests and hobbies. Show them how an informative book can deepen and expand their knowledge on a particular topic--and expand their horizons as well.

Make sure your child or grandchild has a library card. Libraries are wonderful resources for reading and learning. Show your children how libraries can be places of wonder and excitement, and can open up new worlds of learning that will last a lifetime.

And lastly, consider setting limits on the amount of time your child spends in front of a TV or video game console. While there's nothing wrong with playing video games or watching TV, those activities arent going to do much to develop your childs reading and language skills. For that, you need to set them down in front of a good childrens book, and make sure they spend at least 30 minutes per day reading it.

They might not like it now, but chances are they'll thank you for it later on in life.

Kent Johnson Reading Expert and Career Coach Sheril Blog15845
Sophie Blog27547

Orlando Schools Aim to Improve Language Program

Orlando Schools Administrators Visit China

Several Orlando School administrators will be among the nearly four hundred curriculum developers and administrators from around the nation to visit China in an effort to create and expand educational programs that teach Chinese language and culture in America. The trip to China will last one week from June 27 through July 5. The trip is in cooperation with Hanban, Chinas Office of Chinese Language Council International, in partnership with the College Board, the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS), and the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL). The visit will focus on the incentives and strategies that educators can take back to their own schools and use to support the growth of Chinese programs. Currently there are only about 24,000 students in the US studying Chinese compared with close to 150 million Chinese students studying English. During the trip, educators will have an opportunity to meet with Chinese education leaders, build sister school and city ties, and network with other U.S. school leaders who are bringing Chinese language programs to their districts and schools. Orlando Schools want to ensure they are prepared for the new opportunities to offer more language education at younger grades.

In surveys conducted in the Orlando Schools concerning Advanced Placement courses several high schools expressed an interest in offering an AP Chinese course for the 2006-2007 school year. The problem was that many of these schools do not have a teacher of Chinese nor do they see a way to fund such a program. But that may be changing thanks to new programs that unite the governments and educators of China and the US. In April 2006, the College Board and Hanban announced the formation of a partnership to build and expand Chinese language programs in U.S. schools. The partnership features other programs especially intended to help educators who would like to create or grow a Chinese language and culture program in their schools or districts. Because of this program plans have been made to allow 250 guest teachers from China to work in schools in the United States. Also some American teachers will begin training at Beijing Normal University and Shanghai International Studies University. The first sessions begin this summer with sixty teachers from across the nation attending special intensive courses to gain state certification to teach Chinese classes for the new school year.

Orlando Schools Recruit teachers from Puerto Rico

Orlando Schools have hired over sixty new teachers from Puerto Rico during a two-day hiring fair held in Puerto Rico. The aim was to hire veteran certified teachers with special skills in teaching Gifted programs and Limited English Proficiency students. Mathematics and Science teachers were also recruited due to the shortage of math and science teachers in some Orlando schools. Orlando Schools will be hiring 2,400 new teachers for the 2006-2007 school and be opening nine new schools. Many teachers from Puerto Rico are attracted to the Orlando Schools because of the constancy that working in a strong educational environment can provide, the lifestyle that living in the Orlando area offers and the closeness of Orlando to Puerto Rico.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shandee Blog84309
Sharna Blog60805

Musicians Of Tomorrow

Music can be beautiful, and for those who play an instrument, the musical experience is even richer, especially if you want to be a professional musician. No matter what your chosen instrument is, there is a professional path. Some desire fame. Others simply want to get paid doing what they love. No matter what your goals are, there are things to consider that will help put you on the path to success.

Here is some advice on what you need to know to become a musician.

Choose Your Instrument. This may seem obvious, but some musicians have a difficult time focusing on just one instrument. If you want to be a professional musician, your chances of making a lucrative living will be greater if you spend all your energy focusing one thing. Of course, there are people who make a good living at a few different instruments, but they are the exceptions.

Get to Know Your Instrument. Once you choose your instrument, the next step is to practice, practice, practice. Not only practice, but get to know your instrument as much as possible. If you play the guitar, get to know the fretboard to the point where you can visualize it. Learn all the chords and scales you can, etc. The more you know your instrument, the easier it will be to become a success.

Take lessons. Another essential step to becoming a musician is to take lessons. You may think you can learn all there is to know by yourself by reading books, etc. But, working with a teacher has a lot of benefits. They can help point out weaknesses, thus shortening your learning curve. They can also help expand your knowledge by encouraging you to play things you wouldnt normally play.

Find Reasons to Perform. A big part of being a musician is your ability to perform. That is why you need to find reasons to play your instrument in front of people. Join the school band. Start a rock group. Visit coffee houses and play your instrument. Do what you need to do to get experience playing in front of people. The more you do this, the easier it will get.

Consider Music School. Another option is to consider going to a performing arts high school or university. Specialty schools can help shape you into a great musician, and also open doors that you may not have considered. Of course, there is a down side to going to a school devoted to the performing arts. Many musicians find these environments stifling.

Your Goals. There are so many roads you can travel down to be a musician, the only way to really keep it straight is to set goals and define your own path. Decide what type of music you would like to play and exactly what you want to do with your career. If you want to start a rock band, make that your goal. The end result may be to get discovered by a top producer, or make a living performing with your violin, etc.

David is the owner of The online audition musicians.Shandee Blog24684
Sharline Blog99265

Homeschooling: How To Effectively Teach Your Child

Do Certain Subjects Require Specific Hours Of Attention While Teaching My Kid At Home?

With Home school concepts parents have the benefit of enhancing and complementing the traditional ways of teaching, with better ones aided by technology.

Lots of educational software and teaching packages are available which help develop a curriculum for such type of studies. One such useful means is the internet, which has plenty of educational resources like encyclopedias and museums, online dictionaries, libraries, etc.

Depending on state to state home schooling law, the following may be applicable:

1. School officials may inquire about the qualifications of the parents teaching their child; however its not really necessary that parents who instruct their children have any particular qualification. Parents who are high school graduates or lesser can instruct their child, if they have a sound mind and the capability to do so.

2. Students in the elementary level should be taught: English, including, spelling, reading and writing; math, science, civics, history, geography, health and physiology, music, physical education and art as basic subjects.

3. High school level children are to be taught the following: English that includes language, speech, literature and composition. Science should include biology and chemistry. Geography, social studies, economics, world history and history of the U.S.A. are a part of the curriculum. Mathematics would include geometry, algebra and statistics; music, art, physiology and health, physical and safety education are also to be taught.

4. At times school officials might enquire about the subjects that the child should study, demand the length of home school year, as well as provide subject wise instructions.

It is they who determine instruction hours for each subject, yet the method of teaching should depend on each parents individual style.

Home schooling parents can evaluate and determine the hours of instruction based on their individual style, they need not imitate the public school, rather its more important to match and equal it keeping in mind the systematic approach and efficiency levels.

While home schooling, the parent has to gauge the childs intellectual needs. The subjects do not actually require particular hours of teaching, even though each subject needs a specific time, so that whatever is taught is easier for the child to grab.

Also, keeping schedules is not a significant factor in home schooling, since understanding of time and usage are different from that of a normal school.

5. School officials should recognize and classify instructional materials, which might help determine the childs grade or level and the subject. The right to demand should not be misused or try to affect the style of teaching, in which subjects are handled.

If a child has difficulty with a particular subject, for instance in reading, then the parent should allot longer hours for reading, emphasizing on that subject so that the child finds it easier.

A parent may shorten the time spent on that subject which the child willingly and easily learns and grasps. Extra hours should then be allocated for subjects which the child finds difficult, this system can effectively asses the childs development.

During home schooling, a child can take the time to learn and understand each subject at their own speed, and capacity. Also, the parent can find creative ways so that teaching is fun and learning interesting.

Few helpful and efficient teaching materials that are not tangible, such as community service, visits to parks, travel and museums, etc. will provide significant learning skills and knowledge aside from those who learn through books.

6. School officials and parents should reach an agreement about a system of assessment or evaluation for the child; either periodic reports or standardized testing, on the childs dated samples of work and progress.

Access your child's learning ability and style so that:

1. Awareness about the approach to be used or how to be better equipped in teaching them. Some parents have a wrong notion that their kids should learn the way they had. For example, if the parents are visual learners, they expect their children to be the same. Remember, that children are different as individuals; with distinct learning styles as compared to their siblings and even parents. You can effectively teach your child, as soon as you learn and comprehend the childs individual style.

2.You should be prepared to chalk out a curriculum for home schooling. Unfamiliarity with your childs learning style, might lead you to select a curriculum that can is not an effective tool to bring out the best in your child.

3. One has to identify and understand their childs educational needs better. Most parents get upset and discouraged when their children fail to effectively communicate. If you try to understand your childs learning styles, you might be able to help your child to understand themselves better. This enables them to interact and correspond better with their elders as well as friends.

A proper understanding of the childrens their capabilities and learning styles will enable you to understand how many hours they have to put in for each subject. Home schooling does not necessitate strict hours of teaching for your child in any subject. Everything depends on progresses of your child; if he can do math in lesser time than allotted to him in the curriculum then good. If the child needs to spend more time in reading, then he should be doing exactly that.

Phil Kuermam is involved with an online homeschooling project that informs and educates the homeschooling enthusiast through well-written articles. Discover informative articles geared towards Homeschooling Resources, Curriculums, & Programs.Steffie Blog57487
Sharyl Blog63423

Criminal Justice Degree Online Options

Going directly from high school to law school is too big a jump for most anyone. It is important to take each step needed towards earning a law degree, or becoming a professional in the legal field. Education is required, and with the right focus a criminal justice degree online is a plausible option to acquire a career in the legal field. Many people will become involved in different apprenticeships and alternative methods regarding the legal and criminal justice fields. One of the best ways to take steps toward a legal career is through earning a criminal justice degree online. By earning a criminal justice degree online one can take a step or two towards obtaining the career of his or her dreams. Online classes will allow one to choose the best time to attend classes, and the amount of time it will take for them to earn the degree. Flexibility is important to most students, and online programs provide these types of classes for students working towards a degree in the legal field.

Buying a book on criminal justice programs in the United States will easily help illustrate the fact that most criminal justice programs are four year programs that cost thousands of dollars a semester to attend. While this route is good for many reasons, there are thousands of people that would be interested in becoming a legal professional but can't afford it. An online program may be the best option for them. The criminal justice degree online ensures that people can earn a degree in as little as 2 years, without having to spend a small fortune on their education. They would not have to drop everything to return to school. Many institutions will admit that the criminal justice degree online programs are as thorough, and effective as those traditional programs offered on a traditional campus. Having the option to attend an online program has been the liberating factor for many qualified professionals looking for a way to break into the legal field.

Another benefit to enrolling in any online degree program is that you will gain exposure to the latest computer technology that can directly help you earn more money in the field chosen. For the criminal justice industry, this is the simplest way to learn some of the most advanced techniques used. There are so many new computer technology related aspects to the criminal justice degree online program that it is hard to count. There are courses that focus on searching for suspects, as well as the new software police officers use to keep in touch with the call center at their home stations. This all results in an online program that is worthy of the sacrifices people have to make to earn it.

For the millions of people that have always wanted a career in the legal field, online degrees can be a step in the right direction. There is no better time to earn a criminal justice degree online than today. Take a step, fill out an application, research the programs available, and the reality will be a few short years away from completion.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Criminal Justice Degree online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Simonne Blog6568
Star Blog1245

Flashcards As A Learning Tool

Flashcards are wonderful teaching tools. They offer fun, interactive learning for all levels of education for all subject types. Often created by teachers or purchased in educational stores or departments, flashcards can help with memory skills, mathematical skills, advanced discussion work, interaction via games, speaking and listening skills of all ages.

Flashcards come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials. They often have space on them for students to insert their own replies and they can be personalized. In addition, flashcard software is becoming increasingly popular due to new technology. Computers are used more and more often in education.

People can get creative with the cards. For instance, popular uses of flashcards include writing calculations on one side with answers on the other, or developing thoughts on one side with pictures or other images and by writing correlating bullet points on the reverse side. Some write questions on one side, answers on the reverse. Others add colors to the cards (with markers, colored pencils, paints, chalks, etc.) and then jazz them up with colorful stickers, glitter, felt or other fun craft items.

And not only students reap rewards with flashcards. Take a look at this brief overview of who benefits and how.

Students - Of course students are among the number one benefactors of flashcards. Skills they learn using flashcards include: memory, association, verbal, cognitive, interaction, mathematical, listening and more.

Parents - Parents benefit by having tools to help their children with learning and examination preparation. Flashcards can be purchased or created fairly inexpensively, fitting into family budgets of all income levels. And the cards offer opportunities to extend learning beyond the point or points mentioned on the cards, opportunities for family interaction as well.

Teachers - Teachers benefit with flashcards in a variety of way: via teacher-directed study, self-paced student study, and by helping team up student partners, teaching them to work with the fronts and backs of flashcards for enhanced learning. Flashcards are creative outlets for many teachers, as well, allowing for use of crafting materials and instruction with imaginative teaching methodology on two sides.

So get flashcards, the little pictures that can lead to the big picture!

John DayeStafani Blog66840
Sheril Blog84638

San Antonio Schools Receives Grants to Prepare Students and Build New Facilities

Grants Help Students Prepare for Postsecondary Education

Three San Antonio Schools high schools have received grants from the state of Texas to aid students in achieving their goals of attending college or university. The Texas High School Completion and Success Grants, totaling $200,000, were awarded to Edison Technical High School, Fox Technical High School and Navarro Academy. Each of these San Antonio Schools will use the funds in a way that will address the particular needs of its students.

Edison Technical High School plans to use the $80,000 grant to create and run the Saturday College Readiness Academy. This is an exciting and innovative program that will be jointly taught by Edison teachers and university professors. This will allow the students to get a feel for what is expected at the university level. The main goal of the Saturday College Readiness Academy is to raise the students ACT and SAT scores in order to better their chances at succeeding in the college admissions process.

San Antonio Schools Fox Technical High School is using a portion of its $80,000 grant to implement SAT and ACT workshops that will help the students become ready to take the test. Fox Technical High School also plans to use the funds to help pay for students exam fees. A teacher training for the college-preparatory Advancement Via Individual Determination program will be paid for with the remaining funds.

Navarro Academy, which received $30,000 in grant funds, is one of several San Antonio Schools that will establish an Advancement Via Individual Determination training sessions for its teachers. Navarro Academy plans to use the bulk of its grant to institute a transportation fund for before and after school tutoring and mentoring.

Even though each schools is allocating their funds to different services, they like all San Antonio Schools must improve their students scores on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. This program has set several important goals for all schools in Texas to increase the number of: 9th-graders graduating from high school in four years, students who graduate college-ready, as demonstrated through enrollment in a college-preparatory curriculum including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and dual-credit courses, and students who take college-entrance exams.

San Antonio Schools Uses Funds to Build Three New Schools

Starting the 2006-2007 school year, students at Margil Elementary School, Crockett Elementary School and Douglas Academy will enjoy new facilities. Margil and Crockett Elementary Schools have moved to two brand new buildings while Douglass Academy has undergone a complete renovation of its existing facilities.

Margil Elementary, a San Antonio Schools elementary that was originally built in the early 1970s, has two newly designed features. The schools striking towers emulate the architecture of Avenida Guadalupe located nearby. The other feature unique to the school is its cafetorium, which is created by a retractable wall that when raised combines the gym and cafeteria.

Crockett Elementary School has moved into a new 104,945 sq. foot building centered on a beautiful courtyard. The newest features for the school will be an improved library, science laboratories, and larger classroom size. The schools air-conditioning system has also been updated and parts of the school that had previously not been air-conditioned now will be.

San Antonio Schools Douglass Academy, a Texas Governors Education Excellence Award winner, has received a needed renovation. The schools refurbishing has focused on the including the African-American and Mexican-American cultures of the neighborhood in its decorations and design. The added facilities include a new gym, computer lab, wireless connections, an intercom system and classrooms built specifically for the Early Childhood Program and Life Strides for special needs students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on San Antonio schools visit Blog49444
Sharna Blog60805

Houston Schools Support 2007 Goal Of Success For Mcreynolds Middle School

On the evening of August 31, a meeting was held for the parents, students, teachers, staff, business partners, and other community members of McReynolds Middle School, a member of the Houston schools that is located on the east side of the city. Hundreds of people filled the schools auditorium, leaving standing room only.

McReynolds, along with Houston schools Kashmere and Sam Houston, will be closed next spring, if they do not improve their state rankings. McReynolds has been ranked academically unacceptable by the state for three consecutive years. It has been given the 2006-2007 school year to be rated at least academically acceptable.

The meeting concerned the 2006-2007 plans to improve McReynolds state rating. Speakers included school and district leaders, with Houston Schools Superintendent Abelardo Saavedra, Board of Education President Diana Davila, and First Vice President Manuel Rodriguez representing the Houston Schools district.

The purpose of the meeting was to educate the community on measures being taken to save the school from closing next year, solicit feedback from the public and all concerned, discuss what still needs to be done, and to elicit help, support and involvement from the community.

The Houston schools installed Jorge Arredondo in 2005 as the schools principal. Though his first time as principal, student progress increased significantly in the 2005-2006 school year over the previous one. McReynolds experienced a significant improvement in the areas of math, reading and writing, earning a recognized status from the state in both the areas of reading and writing. Additionally, the number of students increased for receiving a commended status from the state on their excellent performance on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test.

Arredondo gives credit to his staff for the improvements, but he had already implemented many changes during the 2006-2007 school year that supported both students and teachers. Some examples:

Full-time mentors were assigned to new teachers;

The bear (schools mascot) team time was created to provide additional TAKS support to targeted students; and

New staff was added 22 new teachers, two new assistant principals, and another bilingual counselor.

During Arredondos discussion, he reiterated his commitment to the McReynolds, saying he expects greatness from his Houston schools students. He acknowledged his belief that how much educators care about them is more important to the Houston schools children, citing his own experience with middle school teachers who never gave up on him and cared what happened to him. He also expressed his belief that all of McReynolds teachers and staff care deeply about their Houston schools students and want them all to succeed.

Houston schools superintendent Saavedra ended his speech by urging everyone in the McReynolds community to get involved as mentors, volunteers or in other equally valuable roles. Saavedra expressed his confidence in Arredondo and the success of the school during the 2006-2007 school year under Arredondos guidance and leadership. Saavedra finished by giving Arredondo his full support, saying, Whatever he needs, we will do.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Houston schools visit Blog6568
Sher Blog56988

Best Forex Trading Education

There are many forex trading courses and educational material that a person can find online. However how does someone go about finding the best Forex trading education information? Certainly there are huge amounts of information that will educate you about Forex trading, but not all of it will help you to achieve your goals of making a profit rather than losing.

Below are some guidelines which should help you to find the best forex trading education course

Point 1 - Avoid Day Trading Systems

Many people when starting out in Forex trading will be enticed into thinking that the best way of making money is through day trading. Certainly if you were to ask a person who is selling a Forex trading course for details relating to their real time track record with regard to profits relating to day trading they will not be able to provide one to you.

So if you are looking to produce an income from your trading then do not waste your time on day trading.

Point 2 - Real Time Profit Records

When buying any sort of forex education course, you need to be provided with these records. If a person selling their system does not have confidence in the abilities of their system and are not investing their own monies then why should you. Unfortunately some of these courses being offered online today are from people who have either never traded in their lives or have failed when they have used the system themselves.

Point 3 - Understand It

Once you find a forex trading system which either has a track record or is willing to show their real profits then there are some other things which you will need to take into consideration.

It is important that you learn everything you can about the system in question so that you understand it completely. Unfortunately if you have no understanding of how the system works then you will not have the confidence to trust in it and follow the system through to a likely conclusion if you start to suffer losses.

By keeping these points in mind, you will find the best Forex trading education that is suited to your kind of personality. There are literally hundreds of places on the web that can offer you an education as well as free advice on Forex trading so do some investigating and you will soon find one that is ideal for you.

Ricky Lim is the owner of where he has forex tutorials and tips on forex currency trading for beginners.Sher Blog56988
Sissy Blog11983

Home Schooling: Determining The Length Of Your Child's School Year

A practical alternative or replacement to schooling institutions is Home schooling. In conformity with your state laws concerning this kind of education, parents teach their children to study and learn themselves.

Parents have different explanations as well as justifications as to why they want their children to be educated through home schooling. Parents are concerned regarding the safety of their wards, as well as the quality of education that provided in public schools. The costs of private schooling and the struggle that the child undergoes to keep up with the entire class is one of the major factors in favor of such alternatives.

Most parents feel defenseless when their kids are labeled as slow learners by their peers, or other such emotional baggage.

In a large class, usually teachers have limited options and remedies to act on such children who might be slow learners compared to others. This leads to the need for tutoring, where they are provided the attention they seek, and can learn at their own pace, without having to compete with others children even while maximum attention is being paid by the teacher.

Again, a student who is very enthusiastic about learning and who generally does well in class is a good candidate for home schooling, since he can successfully juggle the absence of interacting with his friends and encouragement for excellent work that are components of a regular classroom.

A home schooling teacher must be have suitably eligibility, which suggests that he or she has at least had a high school education to educate lower elementary students.

The parent or teacher must be inspired and encouraged enough to educate the students, since home schooling entails hard work as well as rewards; it is, nevertheless, a satisfying job, when the results are for you to see.

Parent or teachers should be available for each day of schooling, there should be no interruption due to daily chores, and dedication to the program is a must.

Plan what the child needs:

The child will need a certain study area that is quiet, with no disturbances at all. Study time should be well scheduled and well planned.

Have a focused attitude towards the child; this is essential, as your child realizes that you are committed and enjoy your time together rather than acting irritable or unsatisfied with your childs limitations.

A reward is a must to encourage and stimulate your child to create an affirmative emotional and informative experience. You should provide your child with basic school materials such as textbooks, encyclopedia, globe, and dictionaries. Try out the resources the internet provides as an addition to your home schooling program; such information is forever updated.

Store up on educational games of different varieties, art materials and supplies and create an environment for reading books. After your home school hours the kids can do crafts, play games, and read books as and when they like.

How do you define your home school period?

To begin the process of lesson planning, you have to determine a timetable or what is the school year for your program

Begin, by knowing the total number of school days in a formal school.

While determining this there are two main factors that one should understand. Firstly, the certain number of teaching or tutoring days as obliged by the State you are resident of. Usually, 180 days are needed, although some States require more and some less. Consequently, this is the minimum number of days recommended for your program.

Another factor is the total number of days necessary to complete the longest type of curriculum planned by you for the coming academic session. When the particular longest session necessitates less than the lowest number of teaching days, then it need not be a reason for outlining your home school yearly curriculum.

If it should need more than the lowest or minimum days, its time will conclude the time span for your year of home school. For example, if your State requires a minimum of 180 days of teaching, you discover in your curriculum, for example that algebra, will need 200 days of teaching to complete. Then 200 days would suffice for your home school year.

Once you have finalized and resolved which days are more, than that of the lowest number of your State's or your longest duration of program, then you should estimate the actual number of days of your home school year. That will then be the total number of days that your lessons should be based on.

Phil Kuermam is involved with an online homeschooling project that informs and educates the homeschooling enthusiast through well-written articles. Discover informative articles geared towards Homeschooling Resources, Curriculums, & Programs. Blog15845
Shirley Blog86427

Dating Advice For People Who Work A Lot

While working a lot can give you a tremendous advantage when it comes to your career, it does not give you a lot of time to date. If you find yourself spending a great deal of time studying or working, you may be wandering why you're alone. It may not be obvious that your schedule is the primary reason. There are a number of strategies you can use to deal with this situation, but perhaps one of the best is online dating.

Online dating essentially allows you to meet someone online from the comfort of your own computer. Not only can it be an excellent resource for those who work at lot, it is also a great tool for those who are shy or afraid of rejection. There are both free and paid dating services online, and there is a dating company that covers every region in the world. All you have to do is sign up and begin looking at the various profiles of the other members. Make a list of the members who have your interests and desirable characteristics. Once you've compiled this list, send them all a message. The more messages you send, the higher probability you have of getting a favorable response.

Once you have met someone you're interested in, you can get to know them online before meeting them in person. Another useful strategy for those who work long hours is to meet someone at your job or college. However, it should be noted that some companies have policies regarding dating among co-workers, so it is important to make sure you are not violating the guidelines of your company before preceeding. If you are a college student, there can be no doubt that there are plenty of people in your classes that you're interested in. If you are a man, it is likely that you've spotted a woman in your college class that you'd be interested in dating. If you are a woman, the same can be said for you.

It may be possible for the two of you to get together for a session of studying, or incorporate it into your date. Not only will you be having fun, but you will also be studying for an important quiz or research paper. My advice to you is to not allow your schedule to interfere with your ability to date. While hard work and education is important, you should also be able to enjoy yourself and have a good time.

Ron Zvagelsky has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2006. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of -- a new interactive planning website.Sheena Blog35889
Sorcha Blog44057

What are the Benefits of FAFSA?

In the present day, it can quite expensive to attend a college in the United States, and the rate at which the tuition fee is escalating, college education is bound to get even more expensive. Five years ago the cost of education at a private college or university was $15,000 per year. Now, it has risen to $21,235 a year, that is, an increase of 40 percent. On the other hand, the average American household income rose by just four percent during the same period.

The picture is no different for state-run colleges and universities. Although they are less expensive when compared to private colleges, but they have also been compelled to increase their tuition fees. According to Patrick Callen, president for the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, Public institutions have had their budgets cut by states, and they've been raising tuition fees to replace public money that's been taken out of their budgets.

In such a bleak scenario, federal student financial aid appears to be the only feasible way to abbreviate the gap in the cost of education. However, you cannot apply for federal financial aid directly. The federal government will first determine your eligibility for the aid, and for this you would have to fill out the FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. In addition to the federal government, the state governments, schools and other financial institutions will also use the information from FAFSA to ascertain your eligibility for non-federal student aid programs.

The 102 questions in FAFSA are framed to retrieve your academic, personal, financial and identification information. After meticulous scrutinization of your FAFSA, the federal government will send you as well as the colleges, which you had enlisted in your form, a Student Aid Report (SAR). The SAR contains EFC (Expected Family Contribution) that is calculated on the basis of facts that you had divulged through the FAFSA. The federal government and other funding agencies use EFC to determine your eligibility for various kinds student financial assistance programs.

In nutshell, unless you fill out and submit FAFSA, federal as well as non-federal financial aids will remain inaccessible for you.

Anubha Shyam is studying computers, and also works as a part-time freelance copywriter. She writes regularly for Blog14194
Silvie Blog71272

Secured Home Loan: Actualize The Potential In your Home

Home acts as a shelter for us. We look forward to going back home after a long days work. But our home does more than that for us. In situations where we need money to fulfill our requirements, our home only helps us and saves us from the adverse effect of situations. How? With the help of secured home loan, we can fulfill our needs and desires.

A secured home loan can be used for any purpose of the borrower like debt consolidation, home improvement, car purchase, wedding expenses, an exotic vacation, etc.

The equity in the home backs all the repayments of the loan. The home acts as an asset that is pledged as security with the lender. It works like an assurance to the lender that his money will be repaid to him.

Depending upon the equity in the collateral, an amount ranging from 5000 to 75000 can be borrowed. The loan has to be repaid in a term of 5-25 years. The rate of interest that is charged on secured home loan is very low due to the attachment of collateral to the loan. This way, a long repayment term coupled with a low rate of interest makes the repayment of secured home loan very comfortable as the monthly payments are small.

Since a security is attached to the loan, the borrowers who possess a bad credit history can also avail secured home loan. This is so because the security assures lenders about the retrieval of the loan money. Bad creditors are offered a higher rate as compared to good creditors but the presence of collateral also has a sobering effect on the rate offered.

Online search for a secured home loan can prove to be advantageous to the borrower. A good deal can be obtained by comparison of the numerous deals available online. Also, it helps in faster approval of the secured home loan and saves the time of the borrower.

Secured home loan helps borrowers in actualizing the potential that is vested in the home in the time of need. Therefore it proves to be an appropriate choice to make.

Aldrich Chappel has been associated with Find Secured Loan, since its inception. Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University Management School, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the residents of the UK. To find ASecured home loan, secured loan, secured loan uk, secured personal loan, bad credit secured loan, poor credit secured loan, online secured loan visit Blog99228
Sharie Blog59718

It Takes One To Know French

A persons interest in learning a subject, let alone a different language than your own is what makes learning such a breeze. If you want to learn other language, like French for example, having a positive attitude towards your everyday lessons triggers your mind to become attentive. And what does attention have anything to do with French language?

It has been proven that our minds are like vacuum cleaners, ready to suck in anything it encounters on its path. What were not aware of, however, is that each of this information is collected and stored in our brain. In other words, there are ways and means how our brain can refresh what is has seen many years ago and learn again what it already knows.

This is why learning another language isnt far from impossible if our brain has this ability.

French is spoken by approximately 130 million people around the world. Compared to the English language, French omits letters in a word and slur pronunciations. It can get very confusing to learn French as a beginner but it takes a lot of dedication to learn or even achieve something. Considering the differences French and the English language have, its not impossible to understand and soon, speak in French as your second or third language.

One effective method of learning French and remembering the words equivalent to its English interpretation is to use flash cards. This method is used by our school teachers to help us remember what we need to learn as students. The same thing applies in learning French. Another effective way and reason why remembering French is not too difficult is because our memory, once able to see an object with certain significance to anything it wants to absorb, remembers the entire details.

An example would be to associate a word in French and English in one picture or sentence. This method is used and recommended in memorization and also a part of the effective memorization techniques today.

Learn and memorize easily the French language by visiting this site

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software for better French language memorization.Sheryl Blog35151
Sonja Blog9403

How To Choose A Credible Distance Learning Degree

More and more universities and colleges are offering distance learning degree education such as Bachelor degrees, Masters and even Doctorate PhD degrees to students who prefer to study from the comfort of their own homes rather than attending campus classes.

Even as the credibility of some distance learning degrees are being questioned on their credibility, famous universities like Harvard University and Phoenix University are already hopping on the distance learning degree track.

Distance learning education offers students the opportunity to study and earn a degree level education at where the students are located. This will also mean that students living in another part of the world can also study and take examinations online without ever stepping foot into any college or university campuses.

All the distance learning student needs to do is to watch online lectures, access course material and take examinations through a learning management system and communicate with lecturers over the internet or on the telephone.

This method of obtaining a credible accredited university degree will auger well for the distance learning universities, colleges as well as the students since more students from around the globe can enroll in the courses offered by these institutions. This will also result in keeping the costs of running the degree courses much lower and making the university fees more affordable to potential students.

As with anything, there will always be the good the bad and the ugly. There will be so called universities offering fake degrees without even going through a course of studies. So it is vital to ensure that the distance learning college or university you are enrolling in is appropriately accredited. This can be done by checking on the accreditation body that provides the accreditation and re-confirm it with education agencies.

By and large, most accredited distance learning colleges offer real and recognized degree programs. Most online education classes use the same course content, materials, instructors and even same examination questions as those students who attend the on campus programs. In other words, the online degrees are of the same quality as those of the on campus degrees.

Numerous researches and studies conducted on accredited universities and colleges has shown that the distance learning degree programs are effective and have consistent student's achievement.

The California State University at Northridge conducted study on students in online education programs and reported its findings as follows :-

a) Students online learning programs tested 20% better than their counterparts in a traditional classroom study environment.

b) Distance learning students tend to be more self-motivated, disciplined, and are higher achievers.

c) Distance learning students spend 50% more time collaborating with other online students than students in the on-campus environment.

d) There is no difference in distance learning education results versus in-class accomplishment. The research found that student's attitude and motivation being the determining factor of their results and the methods of delivery in the class do not matter at all.

So if you are uneasy about the credibility of distance learning colleges or universities degree program, these findings should put you more at ease.

Chris Chew is a researcher. More free articles at and http://create-attract-wealth.blogspot.comShara Blog95364
Shelagh Blog48291

Dora The Explorer Online Games: Giving Your Child Fun For Free

What can be better than getting your children something to play with in your computer that provides fun, excitement, challenge, and education for free?

The internet provides these kinds of games that will really get your children excited. An example of free online games for children is Dora the Explorer. You may have seen Dora the Explorer on TV. And, you may notice how your child can really learn about math, music, physical coordination and even learn how to speak some basic Spanish language with Dora the Explorer.

Dora the Explorer online games will let your children interact with Dora and her friends and can take them to the imaginative world of Dora where your child can meet Doras friends.

You may notice that Dora the Explorer television show can also teach your children how to observe situations and solve problems. Because of this, you may want to consider letting your children play Dora the Explorer free online games.

Dora the Explorer free online game is available in a number of websites where you can easily access it and let your child start playing the game. All you have to do after the play page load is to read the instruction and orient your child how to play with Dora the Explorer online game.

Dora the Explorer online games, like the TV show will let your child interact with Dora and her pet monkey, Boots, to help them solve different situations and problems. And, like the TV show, your child can learn a bit of Spanish language.

Dora the Explorer online game can be fun for your child to play with and it is also a great way to spend some time with them. Dora the Explorer online game has easy to understand instruction where your child can easily comprehend and figure out how to play the game.

There are a number of different kinds of Dora the Explorer free online games available, some are adventure games, some are puzzle games and some are downloadable games that you can play even if youre offline or when youre not connected to the Internet.

These games usually include Doras voice to make it more appealing to your children. Another great feature is that it teaches your children about things while they are having fun. Playing these games can really develop a childs problem solving skills. This is because, it provides fun and as you may know it is easier to learn something when you are having fun.

Dora the Explorer online games can also make your children more outgoing and sociable with other children. They will be more willing and eager to explore their surroundings and learn new things about it. Dora the Explorer online games can really make your child very eager to explore their surroundings and can really develop their situational skills and problem solving skills.

So, if you want a free online game that is both fun and educational for your children, Dora the Explorer is perfect for it. It will provide your children fun and excitement and at the same time, learn something from it.

Dora the Explorer TV and games will really develop your childs mind at an early age. Just imagine your 6 year old child can already speak basic Spanish simply because of playing Dora the Explorer games and watching Dora the Explorer TV shows.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on dora, wallpapers, websites, information & story, please visit Blog23872
Sibel Blog32337

Arts for Academic Achievement Help Students in Minneapolis Schools

The Arts for Academic Achievement Program

The Arts for Academic Achievement Program (AAA) has been bringing artists into Minneapolis Schools since 1997. While its outward focus is on teaching students to paint, dance, and express themselves artistically, its real mission is to make students love learning and use the arts to apply themselves to their academic subjects. Supported initially by an Annenberg Foundation educational reform grant and in partnership with the Perpich Center for Arts Education, AAA has expanded throughout Minnesota. Currently the Minneapolis School District has pledged to continue the program after the end of the initial grant, bringing the program to 120 classrooms in 40 schools in the Minneapolis School District.

How It Helps Students Learn

Students in the AAA Program develop a positive attitude toward school and learn the value of determination in finishing a project that has meaning for them. National research indicates that instruction through the arts is very effective in raising the achievement scores of at risk groups. The AAA Program has documented the substantial increase in student assessment scores when arts are integrated into the Minneapolis Public Schools. The ties between third grade reading scores and the level of arts instruction show a clear link between the two. The more arts education provided, the higher the scores, especially within groups that have shown greater barriers in learning.

AAA makes students work hard and feel pride in demonstrating their skills to the community. Students perform or present their projects to real audiences and strive to make those audiences proud of them. As a result, students put real effort into what they do and develop a strong positive attitude toward learning. At the high school level, attendance has jumped for students involved in the AAA program, as students desire to come to school and learn more.

How It Helps Teachers Teach

AAA brings teachers into the planning and implementation process. This builds a community of learning that cares most about helping students achieve through an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding. Minneapolis School District teacher teams develop curriculum and work together with local artists to present and enhance new learning experiences. This leads to changes in the way that individual teachers as well as whole schools view education.

AAA research shows that teachers involved in the AAA program change the way they teach. Minneapolis School District teachers see how students can learn, redirecting their efforts toward students that had otherwise been regarded as weaker. AAA gave teachers to understanding and experience to help develop more children in areas such as intelligence, leadership, and motivation. In addition, instruction by Minneapolis School District teachers participating in the AAA program created more child centered classrooms in which children can develop and explore at their own pace. Minneapolis School District teachers learned that the creation of independent student learning activities allowed students to develop their own skills in a different way from teacher led classroom instruction. Minneapolis School District teachers participating in AAA learned how to encourage students to take risks in order to increase their understanding.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Stephie Blog47131
Shirleen Blog67533

What The Middlesex County Vocational School Is All About

Gail was born and raised in Trenton, New Jersey. Since this person didnt think of working after finishing from high school and become a homemaker instead, college was never a priority for this person.

The one talent this woman was cooking. The skill of cooking some exotic dishes was passed on from one generation to the next and since Gail wanted to know more about it, this person checked around to see if thee was a school that specialized in the culinary arts. The institution found was called Middlesex County Vocational School.

The Middlesex Country Vocational and Technical School is a network of public institutions scattered all around New Jersey. It is made of four campuses that are there to cater secondary school students, adults and people who have special needs.

Founded in the year 2000, it serves more than 140 students of different cultures. Parents and people who find it too far to see the campus in East Brunswick can try the others at Perth Amboy, Piscataway or Woodbridge.

The admissions officer explained the culinary arts would take more than a year to finish. Since the husband was very supportive, there was no problem in getting some money to pay for the tuition.

Since the couple lived nearby the cost of living was not that high compared to those who decided to live with a family or rent a place until the program was finished.

There were an equal number of men and women who were studying in the vocational school. This is because the courses offered were beneficial for both genders such as about business management, architecture, basic repairs, sales and distribution.

People who want to know more then should check out the schools website or visit the campus personally to see if this is conducive for learning.

A year later, Gail graduated and put up a small caf in Trenton. This entrepreneur made some of the dishes personally while the staff took care of the rest. As a way to give back to the community, this individual took interns from the vocational school to work in the establishment.

Gails determination to succeed just shows that everyone can be successful with a little knowledge from a vocational school. The person may not have the same passion for the culinary arts but may be interested in another field. It is advisable to find an ideal program first then enroll in it regardless if this is in Middlesex County or another institution that is closer to home.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Vocational Schools & other useful information, please visit Blog62707
Serene Blog12594

Homeschooling: How To Effectively Teach Your Child

Do Certain Subjects Require Specific Hours Of Attention While Teaching My Kid At Home?

With Home school concepts parents have the benefit of enhancing and complementing the traditional ways of teaching, with better ones aided by technology.

Lots of educational software and teaching packages are available which help develop a curriculum for such type of studies. One such useful means is the internet, which has plenty of educational resources like encyclopedias and museums, online dictionaries, libraries, etc.

Depending on state to state home schooling law, the following may be applicable:

1. School officials may inquire about the qualifications of the parents teaching their child; however its not really necessary that parents who instruct their children have any particular qualification. Parents who are high school graduates or lesser can instruct their child, if they have a sound mind and the capability to do so.

2. Students in the elementary level should be taught: English, including, spelling, reading and writing; math, science, civics, history, geography, health and physiology, music, physical education and art as basic subjects.

3. High school level children are to be taught the following: English that includes language, speech, literature and composition. Science should include biology and chemistry. Geography, social studies, economics, world history and history of the U.S.A. are a part of the curriculum. Mathematics would include geometry, algebra and statistics; music, art, physiology and health, physical and safety education are also to be taught.

4. At times school officials might enquire about the subjects that the child should study, demand the length of home school year, as well as provide subject wise instructions.

It is they who determine instruction hours for each subject, yet the method of teaching should depend on each parents individual style.

Home schooling parents can evaluate and determine the hours of instruction based on their individual style, they need not imitate the public school, rather its more important to match and equal it keeping in mind the systematic approach and efficiency levels.

While home schooling, the parent has to gauge the childs intellectual needs. The subjects do not actually require particular hours of teaching, even though each subject needs a specific time, so that whatever is taught is easier for the child to grab.

Also, keeping schedules is not a significant factor in home schooling, since understanding of time and usage are different from that of a normal school.

5. School officials should recognize and classify instructional materials, which might help determine the childs grade or level and the subject. The right to demand should not be misused or try to affect the style of teaching, in which subjects are handled.

If a child has difficulty with a particular subject, for instance in reading, then the parent should allot longer hours for reading, emphasizing on that subject so that the child finds it easier.

A parent may shorten the time spent on that subject which the child willingly and easily learns and grasps. Extra hours should then be allocated for subjects which the child finds difficult, this system can effectively asses the childs development.

During home schooling, a child can take the time to learn and understand each subject at their own speed, and capacity. Also, the parent can find creative ways so that teaching is fun and learning interesting.

Few helpful and efficient teaching materials that are not tangible, such as community service, visits to parks, travel and museums, etc. will provide significant learning skills and knowledge aside from those who learn through books.

6. School officials and parents should reach an agreement about a system of assessment or evaluation for the child; either periodic reports or standardized testing, on the childs dated samples of work and progress.

Access your child's learning ability and style so that:

1. Awareness about the approach to be used or how to be better equipped in teaching them. Some parents have a wrong notion that their kids should learn the way they had. For example, if the parents are visual learners, they expect their children to be the same. Remember, that children are different as individuals; with distinct learning styles as compared to their siblings and even parents. You can effectively teach your child, as soon as you learn and comprehend the childs individual style.

2.You should be prepared to chalk out a curriculum for home schooling. Unfamiliarity with your childs learning style, might lead you to select a curriculum that can is not an effective tool to bring out the best in your child.

3. One has to identify and understand their childs educational needs better. Most parents get upset and discouraged when their children fail to effectively communicate. If you try to understand your childs learning styles, you might be able to help your child to understand themselves better. This enables them to interact and correspond better with their elders as well as friends.

A proper understanding of the childrens their capabilities and learning styles will enable you to understand how many hours they have to put in for each subject. Home schooling does not necessitate strict hours of teaching for your child in any subject. Everything depends on progresses of your child; if he can do math in lesser time than allotted to him in the curriculum then good. If the child needs to spend more time in reading, then he should be doing exactly that.

Phil Kuermam is involved with an online homeschooling project that informs and educates the homeschooling enthusiast through well-written articles. Discover informative articles geared towards Homeschooling Resources, Curriculums, & Programs.Shirlee Blog35103
Sherilyn Blog76402

The Cheapest And Safest School Ever

Countries have an obligatory criterion in their respective local laws to offer free education, serve in their local public schools. Education set a high hierarchy in the rules of laws that each individual, or citizen should enroll in a public school if he reaches a certain school age.

This is a general policy to each citizens of any nation, except however, where one's choice is to go elsewhere of his afford and desire, such as in private schools, foundations, and non-government organizations' learning institutions.

The 21st century parents discover free home schooling, favorable, cheaper and convenient for so many reasons. It is becoming popular in the U. S. and some other richer industrial places around the globe.

Present-day school beginner is more exposed to so many complications about the environment, atmospheric conditions due to global warming that cause weather conditions unpredictable. Negligence to react in Reforestations that could prevent possible floods, landslides and all the inconveniences during rainy seasons, situation most difficult for school children or high graders on school sessions.

Roads or pathways became vicious scenarios as it open to muddy and slippery ground of apparent danger to passers-by kids during bad weather conditions. Mom has the best choice to get into a chartered school and get the know-how credentials in order to get accredited if she herself teaches and guides her child personally in the home, where she could be assured of the child's safety. It could still be the cheapest schooling one could ever get.

To get accredited, and cope with your country's demand that you're into terms to educate your offspring, select from qualified chartered public schools near your vicinity, and deal with the proper officer of authority. You have the option to select a curriculum best fitted for your child and not the school to impose their system on you.

You are the best and first hand access to the personality of your child; knowing his IQ (Intelligent Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient), what subjects are his inclinations. You won't be wasting much time to tackle a task, imposing the teaching and learning process on subjects not of his interests.

Literary, as your child's own teacher, teaching will be free of charge. With all the hands-on teaching materials consigned for your use on a given period of time, you'll be the boss of your own schedules, with lots of mom and child bonding. In here, your advantage is at par. Schedules for socializing with the other children during school events and activities will be set by the accepting school.

Reviews, exams, evaluations and results are set for pick-up, and submission at your time frame, or agreed upon with. Above all you'll be free of travel expense, and enjoy time leverage from the daily inconvenience of accompanying and fetching your child to and from school.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on home schooling & other information, please visit Blog23872
Stoddard Blog32586

The Most Appropriate Educational Toys For Your Children

Children learn about the world through toys. Different toys fulfill different developmental and educational purposes, and understanding this variety and the needs of your child will help you in selecting the most appropriate toys for your child.

Here are some significant needs of children that can be fulfilled by the right kind of toys:

Creative development: Lewis Carrolls Alice captured the essence of childhood with her eager phrase: Lets pretend... Watch how many things your child can do with an empty cardboard box. Other examples: Clay, paint, dolls, crayons, play dough.

Intellectual development: Just pulling a simple wagon, your child is learning about the relationship between force and velocity. Other examples are books, miniature ovens, bicycles and science kits.

Physical development: Through toys and games, children develop their strength, motor skills, hand-eye coordination and muscle control. Toys for this are balls, bikes, blocks, shovels, and all outdoor games.

Sensory development: Children learn about textures, smells, colors and sounds through toys. The toys for this are musical instruments, clay, blocks, puzzles.

Social development: Through toys, children learn about each other and about friendship. They learn how to get along with others, and the mechanics of personal relationships. What happens when your child builds a sandcastle together with a friend? What happens when your child refuses to share a toy? Board games, dolls and puzzles are some toys that can help your childs social development.

Personality development: Games and toys build confidence and self-esteem in children, and help them learn about themselves through their likes and dislikes. Solving a puzzle, building a house with blocks, riding a bike -- all these exercises help your child feel a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

The best toys for your child are the ones that provide an enriching learning experience in a fun way and are helpful in the development of basic skills of your child. It is important that you think deeply before buying a toy for your child and evaluate what learning experience your child will have while playing with that toy.

Using Toys

With time, your child will learn how to take responsibility for her choices, actions, and belongings. The following are some guidelines with which you can help your child become responsible without compromising on her safety:

Talk to your child about proper care and storage of toys. Fix a place of storage and do not allow toys to be left on the floor or outside the house.

If there is more than one child, separate their toys to make sure that the younger ones may not play with toys appropriate for older children. Explain this, and related safety hazards, to the older children.

Participate in your childs play and set good examples of safe play. After playtime, show them how to put the toys away safely, and slowly allow your child to take responsibility for the toys.

Teach your child to recognize unsafe toys and safety hazards. Check their toys (especially electric ones) regularly for damage, and urge them to let you know if a toy breaks or seems unsafe.

Appropriate and Allowable Toys for Children

In this chapter, we will discuss the skills and needs of children at different ages, and accordingly choose safe and appropriate toys for each age group.

3 to 4 years

During this time, children use their imagination to imitate adult activity, and participate actively in physical games. Their knowledge of safety hazards and self-defense also increases.

Appropriate toys: Puppets, farm and community play sets like tea sets, climbing structures, miniature ovens, toy telephones, simple board games, tricycles, boxes, dolls and stuffed animals, water play toys, puzzles, balls, simple musical instruments etc.

4 to 6 years

At this age, children learn about social skills and cooperation by participating in preschool group games. Their physical coordination develops, and the foundation of printing and writing is also laid at this time.

Appropriate toys: Transportation vehicles of all types like
bicycles with helmets and training wheels toys, drop boxes, sleds, creative materials, painting material, books and records, stencils, puzzles, balls, action figures, dress-up clothes, housekeeping props,
dollhouses, character toys, simple construction toys etc.

6 to 9 years

Children learn about getting along with others, and about the adult world of sports, games, and careers. At this stage, children develop their intellectual and social interests and make strong friendships, likes and dislikes.

Appropriate toys: Board games, marbles, jacks, puppets, doll equipment and accessories, craft kits, construction toys, complex puzzles, jump ropes, art material of all kinds, roller and ice skates etc.

9 to 12 years

Preteens become active in team play and learn how to handle detailed projects in arts and science. They learn to prioritize their interests and give more time to select hobbies. They also begin to operate video games and computers.

Appropriate toys: Skates, skateboards, science kits, craft kids, tested and approved electric toys, electric trains (UL approved), construction sets, science kits, craft kits, costumes, larger bicycles prop boxes, puppets, fashion and career dolls, doll house and furniture, musical instruments, books of specific interest, work bench with real tools etc.

It is important to remember that children are different and have individual characteristics and interests. Only you can know your childs specific interests and abilities at the different stages of their development, by supervising and participating in their play.

Adwina Jackson has a deep concern on parenting. Get her inspirational guides about Educational Toys at Blog77547
Sioux Blog38664

Find A Top Driving School Online

Did you know that with the advent of the internet and online convenience, you can access programs from a top driving school, sitting in the comfort of your home? These online programs, conducted by reputed accredited schools, can help you learn the basics of driving, clean your driving record and help you avail discounts on your car insurance premium. All the online driving courses are user-friendly, interactive and make lessons from a top driving school, interesting and fun. Few of the features of an online driving course could be: tips on traffic safety rules, flexible time schedules and interactive media presentations. The prices are affordable and some schools even deliver the pass certificates to your door.

When you are searching for a top driving school for enrolling, there are a few precautionary steps to be taken. For instance, do not get lured by the school which offers you the cheapest rates. Check out what are the extra benefits they have to offer against your deposit. Other items on your check-list should be, whether there is any discount for paying in advance and length of each lesson. There are some schools which might request you to pick up and drop off other students on your way to the school! Check whether your driving instructor has a green badge on the windscreen of his car. This proves that he is a certified trainer from the Driving Standards Agency. If he has a pink license, then he is not yet qualified to teach. Check whether the car which is used to coach you the practical aspects of driving, is equipped with dual controls and is maintained well.

A top driving school would normally help its students with the theory test. Buying a good book or a CD Rom is part of the service that you can expect. You must make sure that your instructor is keeping a tab on your progress and the instructions are following the official Driving Standards Agency curriculum. Good driving schools allow an hour or two per week for lessons with a qualified instructor. In fact, the instructors usually advise students on how much tuition is needed, depending on the skill level of the student.

There are many top driving schools which offer special driving help for beginners and extra nervous students. They even offer male or female professionals as instructors. You can take your pick.

Therefore before you get lured by claims of top driving schools, evaluate the school thoroughly and find out whether it suits your needs. Only then enroll in the school of your choice whether offline or online.

Adam Stearn owns and operates Driving CoursesShell Blog97601
Sophey Blog66588

Long Island Schools Improve in the 2005-2006 School Year

Long Island Schools Meet State and Federal Standards

Long Island Schools had over 30 schools not meet the New York State Standards for the 2004-2005 school but this year the number of schools rose dramatically. Schools that succeeded this year that had not last year include East Hampton, Ronkonkoma, Mineola, and Valley Stream. The Long Island Schools ratings were based on New Yorks expectations of a schools test scores and graduation rates. These standards were met in part because of many Long Island Schools have greatly improved their education methods and instructional opportunities for those students with learning disabilities. Several Long Island Schools did not attain the required state scores from their special education students last year. During the 2005-2006 school year more teachers and paraprofessionals were hired throughout all Long Island Schools which allowed students with disabilities to be in inclusion programs and have smaller class size. A lot of these changes have been inspired by the No Child Left Behind Act that required Long Island Schools to raise the mathematics and language arts scores of all students with emphasis placed on specific student groups including whites, blacks, Hispanics, the poor and the disabled. The students in these groups should achieve higher percentages of success every year with the goal being 100% proficiency by 2014. Currently around 83% of all New York schools meet the academic requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Among the Long Island Schools that did not meet standards last year that did succeed this school year include: Comsewogue High School, Center Moriches High School, Ronkonkoma Junior High School (Connetquot), Walter G. O'Connell Copiague High School, East Hampton High School, Eastport-South Manor High School, Harborfields High School, Hauppauge High School, G.W. Hewlett High School (Hewlett- Woodmere), Hicksville High School, Huntington High School, Island Trees High School, RJO Intermediate School (Kings Park), Lindenhurst Middle School, Long Beach Middle School, Newfield High School (Middle Country), Mineola Middle School, Oceanside High School, Saxton Middle School (Patchogue-Medford), South Side Middle School (Rockville Centre), Joseph A. Edgar, Intermediate (Rocky Point), Roslyn High School, Sachem High School North, Pierson High School, Floral Park High School (Sewanhaka), New Hyde Park High School (Sewanhaka), Sewanhaka High School, Walt Whitman High School (South Huntington), Southold High School, Ward Melville High School (Three Village), Valley Stream Central High School, and Westbury High School.

Seniors in Long Island Schools Win New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship

New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship awards a $4,000 scholarship to one senior at every New York high school paid in $1,000 increments each year for university study. This year Long Island high schools in Suffolk School District and Nassau School District had one senior from each high school receive a New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship. To be eligible for the New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship students must meet the following requirements:

Scholarships can only be used toward the cost of attendance at a New York State accredited college, university, community college or trade school

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sidonia Blog44599
Stafani Blog66840

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